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The Committee on Ergonomics at the Presidium of the PAS was established on 12 March 1974 by Resolution No. 2/74 of the Presidium of the PAS, as an interdisciplinary scientific committee. Since June 2011, it has been affiliated to the Division Four –: Engineering Sciences, of the PAS.
The principles for the activities of the Committee on Ergonomics (CoE) are included in the Rules of the CoE, based on the definition of ergonomics as a science and practice aimed at adapting work and technical facilities to the psychophysical features of humans.
The main activities of the Committee on Ergonomics are:
to determine the state of research, education, and practical activities in the field of ergonomics in Poland and the wider world,
to determine the perspectives and to initiate the development of ergonomics in the fields of scientific research, education, and implementation,
to disseminate the results of research and implementation of scientific studies in the field of ergonomics,
to disseminate the ideas and achievements of ergonomics through publications, conferences and expert knowledge,
to analyse the state of education of the personnel in the field of ergonomicsto conduct national and international co-operation,
to make efforts to gain recognition for ergonomics as a separate branch of science,
to stimulate the development of particularly essential directions in ergonomics via the work of commissions appointed for relevant tasks.
The founding fathers of the Committee were Professors: Zbigniew Chudzikiewicz, Andrzej Józefik, Andrzej Ogiński, and Mieczysław Krause, and Professor Jan Kaczmarek, a real member of the PAS, at that time the Scientific Secretary of the PAS.